Thursday, July 21, 2011

Family Reunions on GeneaBloggers Radio this week!

Hey --- if you get a chance to tune in to the GeneaBlogger Radio this Friday (July 22nd) they will be talking about family reunions.   Their guests will include: Edith Wagner, founder, publisher and editor of Reunions magazine and; Marilyn Stewart, better known as “Aunt Mo” who runs the Family Reunion Helper website; and Lorine McGinnis Schulze of the Olive Tree Genealogy Website.

The show promises to talk about reunion activities for the whole family and sharing your genealogy research.  Sounds like a great show!   Tune in at:
Friday, July 22, 2011
10pm-11:30pm Eastern US
You can sign into BlogTalkRadio with your Facebook account or set up a free BlogTalkRadio account to join in the fun.