Sunday, November 14, 2010

My First Post for MyJennealogy

Hello!  this is my first posting to my new blog MyJennealogy.  I am starting this blog following my attendance at the FamilyHistoryExpo held in Atlanta November 12-13, 2010.  I have been working on my family genealogy for many years and have attempted some blogging in the past, but after a couple of classes at the Expo, I am convinced that a connection through all the Social Media opportunities is the new way to "do genealogy."  So --- I will begin.

I am starting here with BLOGGER, as I am a little familiar with it,   I will then establish a FACEBOOK page and a TWITTER account -- I have never Facebooked or Tweeted ......and we will see what happens after that.

I am interested in hearing from others that have stepped into this river of "social journaling" in the field of genealogy and their own family tree and/or history.  Also I would appreciate any and all comments on this blog page as I try to move forward in this modern age of unlimited opportunities and libraries without walls.

Let the blogging for genealogy begin!